Xlsx Toolkit
No Need to install Microsoft Excel!
- Simple LabVIEW API to create native Microsoft Excel workbooks, worksheets, and charts without installing Microsoft Excel
- Does not use ActiveX or COM
- Royalty free deployment
- 30-Day developer trial
- Support for LabVIEW 2014+
- Support for Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Anyone developing LabVIEW applications that generate/access Microsoft Excel workbooks without having to purchase, install, and maintain Microsoft Excel on each deployed test system.
The Xlsx Toolkit by Viewpoint Systems provides a simple LabVIEW API to create native Microsoft Excel xlsx workbooks, worksheets, and charts without installing Microsoft Excel or using ActiveX /COM.
Working With Xlsx Workbooks
Interacting with workbooks is easy, open / create a workbook, add or select a worksheet, and read/write cells or ranges based on row/column index or named index, i.e. A1:C1.
Toolkit Features
* Create new or open exiting workbooks.
* Manipulate Workbooks
* Add / Remove / Re-arrange Worksheets
* Set Workbook Properties
* Interact with Worksheets
* Read / Write Numbers, Strings, Timestamps, Simple Clusters
* Address cells via Row / Column or by Address, i.e. A1:C1
* Apply Style / Formatting to cell data
* Insert Images
* Show / Hide / Insert / Delete / Merge Rows and Columns
* Create Native xlsx Charts
* Create chart a chart and assign series data to be displayed
* Modify x-axis, y-axis, and legend
Licensing and Deployment
The Viewpoint Xlsx Toolkit has a 30-day developer trial. A developer’s license will be required after a 30-day trial and is also required for deployment. Deployment is royalty free.
Royalty free deployment allows one to deploy a LabVIEW application to hundreds of test systems that generate Microsoft Excel workbooks, without installing Microsoft Excel on any of those systems.
Viewpoint Xlsx Toolkit requires LabVIEW 2014+ and the Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 or newer.
Installation requires JKI Package Manager 2014 or newer.
Activation, Key Generation & Payment
For all questions regarding Activation / Key Generation / Payment please contact NI at labviewtoolsnetwork@ni.com.
How Do I?
Post all ‘How Do I?’ questions to http://stackoverflow.com using the tags [LabVIEWViewpointXlsxToolkit]. We regularly monitor http://stackoverflow.com for new questions, but to speed up the process provide us the link to the question at hello@viewpointusa.com.
Other support-related questions
For all other support questions, please email hello@viewpointusa.com.